Tuesday, November 22, 2011

so long sweet sweeteners.

With the holidays approaching, I am not looking forward to the amount of treats I will be exposed to at work and at home. I boxed up about 50 pumpkin and fudge pecan pies today and all I wanted to do was gobble them up. Working at a bakery is definitely enjoyable, but it comes at a price...a bite here and there really adds up. Today I decided that since I don't have the self control to say no to a cookie, I need to try to cut back in areas where I might actually be successful. I am going to attempt to stop sweetening my beverages. I rarely have cokes and never drink energy drinks, but I love tea and coffee and drink it all day long. So today I decided I will do my best to acquire a taste for coffee sans creamer and sweeteners and unsweet tea. I drank my coffee black this morning and it was awful, but I powered through.

These are my new guidelines for my daily beverages:
  • no creamer or sweetener in coffee (milk is ok but I'm going to try black) except for an occasional trip to Starbucks, I just can't order black coffee at the bucks.
  • No adding sugar or sweet-n-low to my tea at work...sweet Red Diamond at home is ok.
  • Now that I am a hot tea drinker (Hello Harney & Sons...you're awesome) I can only sweeten my hot tea with honey.
I have such a sweet tooth that this will be a huge step for me if I can make it work. With the amount of coffee and tea I drink I can only imagine how much less bad stuff I'd consume in a month if I nix all of my hazelnut creamers and countless packets of artificial sweeteners. Hopefully I can hold myself accountable to this!

A post about my best friend's beautiful wedding this past weekend will be coming once I get the pictures on my computer.

With much love,


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