Tuesday, November 22, 2011

so long sweet sweeteners.

With the holidays approaching, I am not looking forward to the amount of treats I will be exposed to at work and at home. I boxed up about 50 pumpkin and fudge pecan pies today and all I wanted to do was gobble them up. Working at a bakery is definitely enjoyable, but it comes at a price...a bite here and there really adds up. Today I decided that since I don't have the self control to say no to a cookie, I need to try to cut back in areas where I might actually be successful. I am going to attempt to stop sweetening my beverages. I rarely have cokes and never drink energy drinks, but I love tea and coffee and drink it all day long. So today I decided I will do my best to acquire a taste for coffee sans creamer and sweeteners and unsweet tea. I drank my coffee black this morning and it was awful, but I powered through.

These are my new guidelines for my daily beverages:
  • no creamer or sweetener in coffee (milk is ok but I'm going to try black) except for an occasional trip to Starbucks, I just can't order black coffee at the bucks.
  • No adding sugar or sweet-n-low to my tea at work...sweet Red Diamond at home is ok.
  • Now that I am a hot tea drinker (Hello Harney & Sons...you're awesome) I can only sweeten my hot tea with honey.
I have such a sweet tooth that this will be a huge step for me if I can make it work. With the amount of coffee and tea I drink I can only imagine how much less bad stuff I'd consume in a month if I nix all of my hazelnut creamers and countless packets of artificial sweeteners. Hopefully I can hold myself accountable to this!

A post about my best friend's beautiful wedding this past weekend will be coming once I get the pictures on my computer.

With much love,


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

that awkward moment...

...when the lady at the nail salon puts on gloves before giving you a pedicure.

I went with my mom tonight to get a pedicure at a nail salon close to home. I've been there before when I used to get pedicures about once a month, but I stopped after I graduated college and would bet my last pedicure was about 9 months ago. We went through the motions of picking out colors and sitting down to let our feet soak and whatnot when my nail tech, we'll call her Amy, slaps on a pair of gloves. I look and my mom and whisper under my breath, "my feet are so disgusting she has to wear gloves!" I glance around the store and notice no other woman giving a pedicure is wearing any. We couldn't help but bust out laughing. In my defense, she did have fake nails painted a fancy purple, so there's a slight chance she didn't want to mess them up. Or maybe Amy is a germaphobe Emma Pillsbury type who goes to great lengths to stay sanitary. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

At least my feet feel awesome now!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

note to self.

No more Starbucks after dark.

I am a Starbucks fanatic. I've calmed down in my ways compared to how I used to be - I had the Starbucks credit card - but I still pay a visit to the Siren more than I should. Tonight I made a run to WalMart with my sister, and as usual when out an about, I got a craving for Starbucks. We swung by and I grabbed my grande nonfat no whip pumpkin spice frapp (it's too warm outside for the latte) and headed home. I got about 1/4 of the way through it and began feeling nauseas. Maybe this was my body's way of saying "hey...it's 9 pm, lay off the caffeine and sugar will you?" This isn't the first time this has happened. No more coffee after dark - unless I'm driving of course.

What a waste of $4.60, but at least it wasn't a venti!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

back when.

Tonight I came across something that hasn't crossed my mind in years. The social network many of us had before MySpace blew up and Facebook was even heard of... Xanga. Xanga was like a blog for us youngsters. We got on and wrote about all the stuff we did and pinned all the picture badges we possibly could into one post.

I stumbled upon a friend's old Xanga tonight and it brought back so many good memories of us back in 2005. I decided I wanted to try to find my old Xanga and when nothing came up on Google, I remembered that I deleted it years ago. I am kicking myself for that now. Once I got a MySpace I deleted my Xanga...once I got a Facebook I deleted my MySpace. I never regretted either of those choices until tonight. I want to go back and read the things I wrote about at 17 when I thought things were tough then. I wish I still had my MySpace so I could go and see who my Top 8 friends were (I'll never forget the day Cross Canadian Ragweed put me in their #1 spot on their page). Life has changed so much and it would be cool to get a reminder of how things used to be. The good thing about Facebook is that your stuff doesn't get deleted when you want to step away. I have taken advantage of this many times and am currently on a Facebook hiatus right now. But when I come back, the memories will still be there waiting on me.

Because of the internet, I never spent time writing in journals or diaries growing up. I wrote about my life on Xanga or MySpace...and like I said before, despite the fact reading them would probably be incredibly embarrassing and even painful at times, I wish I could see them again. There have even been times I contemplated deleting this blog just because I hardly have enough posts for this to even be considered a blog. I'll be sure to remember how I feel tonight if the urge comes up again.

And to my dear friend who didn't delete her Xanga - thank you so much for the blast from the past. It takes a long time to grow an old friend, and I am so glad you're one of the few who stuck with me this long.

With much love,


Monday, September 26, 2011

enchanted. delighted. ecstatic. you name it.

I am very excited to be able to announce... MICHAEL AND I ARE ENGAGED!

On September 21, we went to College Station for an overnight trip. That evening we went by our old apartment building where we were once neighbors so he could pick up his grill. It had been chained up there since we both moved out earlier this year.

Right there on the sidewalk where we first met, he asked me to be his wife.

I can't find the words to explain how amazing it is that this incredible young man wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

It's crazy to think how far we've come since a year and a half ago. We knew none of the same people when we first met and now we are surrounded by amazing friends and family who constantly demonstrate their love for us. Thank you so much for all you do.

God has been so wonderful to us. He has blessed us beyond measure and I look forward to the plans He has for our marriage.



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

blending and pinning.

Recently (and I'm talking very recent - like in the past 3 days) I have discovered the fun of making smoothies. I can count on two hands the number of times I have used a blender, and one of those times I was trying to crumble oreos to make oreo balls. Hint: don't waste your time, it does NOT work. It was always nice when my Dad would get the urge to blend up a milkshake and I definitely would partake in the consuming act of this process, but not the producing. Blenders have never interested me much.

I got sick this past weekend (no surprise there) so I drug Michael to the grocery store with me to load up on fruit and orange juice. While we were there one of us (I'd like to say me but I'm sure it was him) decided we should make some smoothies instead of just noshing on fruit all day long. As much as I love fruit, I can't eat a lot of it without feeling like I'm forcing myself to do it. So we nabbed some bags of frozen mixtures, some fresh bananas, peaches, and strawberries and some orange juice and headed back home. Within 5 minutes I was gulping down a delicious smoothie. I am currently drinking my second smoothie of the day. It's safe to say my parents blender is going to be put to good use from this point forward.

With my new found hobby on the brain, I decided to find recipes online so I can start making all kinds of liquid goodness. Here is where Pinterest comes in. I discovered Pinterest about a month or two ago and have been in love with it ever since (thanks to a famous blog I follow). On this site you can create virtual pinboards of anything you'd like and organize them into different categories. Here is a view of my newly created smoothie board:

I can't wait to hit the blender and try all of these delicious looking recipes (especially the pumpkin one). If you don't already have an account, I encourage you to go to Pinterest and request an invite. I have already created 18 boards and I'm sure more will follow.

With much love,


Thursday, September 8, 2011


I used to say, "the only time I'll ever run is if someone is chasing me with a knife or I'm chasing the ice cream truck". The closest I ever came to running for leisure was speed walking through the mall. I tried so many times to "run" and quit after 5 minutes. So I thought I should share this little tidbit:

I have started running.

Yes, I get off of my big fat butt a few nights a week and move my legs! I can't believe it either. I'm not talking about anything special here. I am not fast. I do stop and walk to catch my breath because if I don't I will fall over and get hit by a car. But - I am so proud of myself that I'm actually doing it and I actually enjoy it. I am signing up for a 5k next month and am very excited about it. I am certainly not a "runner" but at least I don't have to consider myself a "sitter" anymore, either!

With love,


PS - If anyone in the area is interested in running this particular 5k to support our fallen heroes, you can register here.

Monday, August 8, 2011

in the meantime.

I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm still in the front-running for the worst blogger award. Coming behind me in a close second is my mom, who used to write amazing blogs and has fizzled out of it in the past year. Nevertheless, I felt inspired to update thanks to an old friend informing me that she actually read this thing. I was under the impression I was the sole follower of this page so it felt good to know someone else cared enough to read a post and then (to my delight) downloaded the Daily Audio Bible!

On another topic, I recently have learned the difference between settling and trusting.

I am currently working at a delightful little cafe' and bakery near my home while I am looking for a job in education. Though I enjoy the simplicity of having an easy-going job as a cashier and "pie-cutter" (as I like to call myself) - I am not so much a fan of the stigma that goes along with it. I often find myself having to explain what I - a college graduate - am doing slicing cake and bagging cookies. This is where it gets lost in translation: I am not nearly as worried about finding a job as some people expect me to be, and this comes across as settling. Settling on being a pie-cutter who isn't making the effort to find a job in her major. In reality, I am content with what I am doing right now because I know the Lord is in control. Would it be amazing if I got a phone call to set up an interview, then nailed it and snagged a great job as a 2nd grade teacher? Absolutely. That would be my DREAM. But I am not going to lose sleep over it if that doesn't happen for me this year. As long as I have done my part, I can rest easy knowing that it's in His hands. And I know that even if I don't have my own classroom some great things will happen this year. I am taking the GRE, applying to grad school and plan on subbing in the districts I am interested in to get my name out there. I'm still hoping I'll get a phone call this month, but if I don't it's certainly not the end of the world.

In the meantime, may I interest you in a slice of coconut cream?

With much love,


Monday, April 18, 2011

for real this time.

Last year when I began using my iTunes as a way to listen to Christian podcasts, I stumbled upon one called Daily Audio Bible. This podcast takes you through the Word of God in 365 days. It is read by Brian Hardin, and each day he reads a portion of the Old Testament, a portion of the New Testament, a small part of Psalms and a small part of Proverbs. Brian has been doing this podcast faithfully for 6 years.

When I originally downloaded the 2010 version, I only listened to about 2 or 3 days and (I'm ashamed to say) called it quits. This year, however, I decided to give it a go "for real this time". On March 26 I made a commitment to read the entire Bible in a year. I set a deadline for myself for March 26, 2012. Since I did not start until the end of March, I am about 3 months behind the rest of the Daily Audio Bible family. Each day I try to read at least 2 podcasts worth of the Bible so I can - hopefully, eventually - catch up with DAB in real time.

The Lord has been wonderful in answering my prayers to keep me in the Word every day. Before work each morning I listen to a podcast and read my portion of the Bible for that day while I'm eating my breakfast. It's a wonderful way to start the day. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a morning person now, but I definitely enjoy my mornings (which is something I could have never said truthfully in the past).

If anyone else is thinking of making the commitment to read the entire Bible - even if you need to set your goal for longer than a year - the DAB podcast is a wonderful companion! Follow this link to the iTunes store to download it free.

Have a wonderful week!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

a year in the life.

I have spent a lot of time wanting to start my blog up again. As you can see, I could be ranked up there with the worst bloggers of all time considering I have posted 4 times in over a year. However, I am finally compelled to share a story with those who haven't already heard it. This could get lengthy, don't say I didn't warn you.

A year ago exactly, I was going through one of the worst times in my life. I was in a situation that left me depressed and questioning whether or not I actually wanted to become a teacher. Any plans I made for myself seemed to be ruined, and nothing was going the way I wanted it to - in neither my personal or professional life. My plan was to move to England, and I had set my heart on this happening. I would do my student teaching there and get to travel through Europe on the weekends... it seemed like a sure bet and I made the mistake of putting all my eggs in that basket. It was MY plan I had made on MY terms.

After many unfortunate circumstances I will spare you the details of, my university ended up not only telling me I could no longer student teach overseas, but that I could only student teach in the Bryan/College Station area. Since the said unfortunate circumstances took place in B/CS, it was the last place I wanted to be. I was devastated. There was soon going to be nothing left for me here. Most friends were graduating or going elsewhere to student teach, and some friends were unfortunately no longer friends anymore. I was stuck in College Station until December. (Note: I actually stopped my short-lived blog because of this, I felt I had nothing positive to say anymore).

I am not saying this was the worst situation that could have ever happened - it absolutely was not. I am aware something much more devastating could have occured in my life and that much more devastating things happen in the lives of others. But for me, I had reached my breaking point. I was at my lowest of lows. I was tired of the way I lived my life. I tried to be a "good person", but again, on MY terms. I dated the way I wanted to date, lived the way I wanted to live, and prayed the way I wanted to pray (which was when I most needed something - again- to go my way). And what did it leave me with? Absolutely nothing but this aching bottomless hole in my heart. I constantly looked for happiness in all the wrong places. Whether it be in school, social scenes, or dead-end relationships. (For the record I am blaming no one but myself for these unsuccessful attempts to find love - or what I thought was love at the time. I played just as big of a role in destroying those relationships as anyone else).

There was no where to go but up, and even in the midst of all of this pain, the old cliché "everything happens for a reason" quote popped in my head every day. I found myself aching to come to the Lord in a way I never had before, but had absolutely no idea how to go through with it. I had never come to Him and asked Him to renew my spirit and make me whole again, but inside I knew this was exactly what I needed in my life. I had been saved in 5th grade, but definitely did not walk with the Lord the remainder of my life. After two weeks of praying about what to do, I randomly decided to go to Starbucks one day. This is no surprise since I frequent Starbucks many days of the week, but this particular day I was supposed to be somewhere else, but those plans were cancelled so I went to have my regular caffeine pick-me-up. In Starbucks I ran into an old friend, a friend I had gone out to Northgate with several times and hung out in Garner State Park with every year. Though I hadn't seen him in almost two years, I knew through Facebook he had begun walking with Christ. After our encounter, I messaged him letting him know my desperation to get plugged-in somewhere. He so graciously met with me for coffee and talked with me for over two hours about what I wanted in a church and what I wanted in my relationship with Christ. He eventually introduced me to some of the most amazing young Christian women I have ever met, and though I don't get to see them very often these days, they will always have special places in my heart.

From that point forward I began to see life the way it was meant to be seen. My plans had been shattered because they were the plans I made for myself on my own account. The Lord had other plans for me. He wanted me to stay in College Station, and that is where I still am today. I ended up meeting the most amazing people, discovering an awesome small group, and attempting to lead a life that is more glorifying to my Savior. I don't always make it to small groups or Breakaway due to my early morning schedule, but I try to stay in the Word as much as I can lately, and listen to podcasts or attend church as often as I can. It has definitely been a work in progress, and I am far from being as close with the Lord as I want to be. But I have found a kind of love I never knew before I came to know Him better. Like one of my favorite Christian books says, God didn't show up and save me when I needed Him most, He was always there. I was the one who finally decided to show up, and He welcomed me with open arms and showered His unfailing love and mercy on me.

Now to make it even better, looking back over the past year has been like the most beautiful puzzle. I had no idea what it would look like going in, but in hindsight it came together perfectly (because it was God's plan, not mine). I ended up being placed to student teach at a school in Bryan with a very low-income population of students. I fell in love with these children, and thanked God every day for putting them in my life. I am now long-term subbing as a first grade teacher for the rest of the school year and love my class as much as I loved my second graders last semester. I pray every day for the Lord to make me a blessing in their lives, and am so thankful to be given that opportunity. I also became good friends with my cooperating teacher, who is coincidentally also moving to La Porte this year with her husband, 3 year old son, and son on the way :) I am excited I will get to continue to see her and watch her adorable kids grow up next year.

God also allowed me to meet a truly special young man in the midst of my sadness and discovery of who I wanted to become, but that story is for another post.

This blog was put on my heart to share with others how merciful the Lord can be on any scale. I want to stress I am not claiming to be this awesome Christian who has all these answers (that person doesn't exist), and I definitely have "to be continued" stamped on my testimony. I don't ever want to come across as "holier than thou" when I share my stories about my relationship with Christ, I am still struggling with legalism, idolatry, sometimes negativity, and countless other battles us Christians must fight on a daily basis. But I know the Lord is on my side each and every day, renewing me inside and out. I was just reflecting over the past year of my life and the wonderful work God has done in my spirit and the spirits of those around me and wanted to share my story with those who cared to read about it.

I hope this inspires anyone who is feeling run down and growing weary of looking to worldly standards to find happiness. I most certainly did, and letting go of the person I used to be has been a beautiful thing. I hope each year I can continue to look back on the person I was the year before and say I continued to grow in my relationship with the Lord.

With much love,
